About us
Halifax Association for Community Living (HACL) is a not-for-profit, charitable organization serving adults, youth, and children with developmental disabilities and their families in Halifax Regional Municipality. We believe that all people should be accepted as responsible, contributing members of their family and society.
Our organization was founded in 1954, when it was created by a group of families who had children with intellectual disabilities. They refused to place their children and family members in institutions, and instead they worked to create supports in the community.
We honour our founding members by continuing to inspire possibilities and create opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities of all ages in the Halifax area.
Our services are person-centered, holistic, and inclusive. We work to ensure a future for people with intellectual disabilities.
Our Vision
An inclusive HRM in which people with Developmental Disabilities and their families are valued equally and are able to participate fully in all aspects of society.
Our Mission
Our mission is to support children, youth and adults with developmental disabilities, and their families, to live the lives they want and deserve, across the Halifax Regional Municipality.
How do we accomplish our mission?
Working with individuals and families: Providing one on one person centred and family centred support.
Advocacy: Working with partners, including the Nova Scotia Association for Community Living, to address barriers facing people with developmental disabilities and their families. This includes, housing, poverty, self-determination, etc.
Promoting Inclusive Communities: Working with community partners to make sure people get the proper training and education around disability so they can offer inclusive services and welcoming spaces.
Organizational Resilience: Investing in training our staff and working with government/community groups to ensure our services are the best possible!
Transparency: Staying accountable by being open and honest with our clients, funders and partners.